Monday, January 9, 2012

artists research post

i chose to type about Do-Ho-Suh who was an artists who's main focus is on designing and make sculptures.  Do-Ho-Suh was born in 1962 and is still alive and making sculptures today. i like this artist because he makes sculptures and i can sort of relate since i make sculptures too but my sculptures are made of play-doh and are smaller, way smaller then his sculptures. these pictures of two of Do-Ho-Suh's sculptures are my favorites the one where big feet are stepping down on a bunch of little people makes me feel ALL POWERFUL, while the pink looking tornado makes me feel happy because i like pink as one of my favorite color and because Ive always been pretty amazed how tornado's work and look like. something i find interesting about Do-Ho-Suh is that he's still alive but also that he's still probably living out his dream of being a professional sculpture which i would love to be but i want to live out my best interest and dream of being.

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