Wednesday, November 2, 2011

oh the memories

this marking period has been fun and great,with Mrs.kiick here its been interesting with the things she picked for us to do all year,but i don't like it when she is trying or gets me to work all day jk (just kidding) i like the work that i have to do all day but i don't know much with painting and inking with my self-portrait since i haven't really painted just on paper I'm more used to painting on my things i make with clay or on ceramics over at color me mine.i just hope ill not go mentally insane from Kate or Katie the girl who chases me down the hall,the stars,in my class room now,is in my art class,and who wore a hot dog dog suite for Halloween to school. wish me luck and hope i can have great pictures next marking period. 'U'


  1. Claire who's the girl in the hot dog suit! She sounds cute Claire! You two should hangout- you probably have a lot in common you negative nancy.

  2. Mediator here. Hot dogs need to behave.
